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Windows 11 the folder options in the file explorer!

Delete and restart the print queue with a batch file!

Hide icons for chat, search, ... in Windows 11 taskbar?

Find and start the mobility center in Windows 11!

Adjust sound volume in Windows 11?

Manage Playback and Record devices on Windows 11?

Check whether Windows 11 is activated, status?

Is 256 GB SSD enough for Windows 11?

PowerShell desktop shortcut on Windows 11!

Install Windows 11 on FAT or FAT32, is that possible?

Automatic initiation of standby mode under Windows 10/11 and other OS!

Need program for secure erase of memory cards for Windows 11, 10, ...!

Activate or Turn-Off folder printout from auto startup in Windows 11, 10, 8.1, ...!

Automatically shut down the PC with a lower CPU load, or something else?

Scan works also on Windows 10/11 to easy save into PDF!

Digital Desktop Clock plus Optional transparency on Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 7!

Bandizip context menu appears in Windows Explorer, but not in Q-Dir?

Make Q-Dir to be configurable what search tool to start!

Filename To Time now also supports Unix time stamps!

Hide mouse cursor in Desktop OK!

Get Pixel Color RGB or RGBA from Windows-Desktop!

Add my text plus what is in the clipboard, example!

Is it safer to reinstall Linux than to update?

GetWindowText for all Windows OS written in C++!

Easy Open Duplicate of Picture or Delete it!

Customize Prevent System Shutdown from task bar!

Easy Send the PDF directly to email!

Search for Bad Pixels on the Windows 11, 10, ... Desktop / Notebook Monitor!

Easy detect the Color Value RGB, HLS, .... like a Professional!

Notice this is a private parking lot - Short-Car-Note!

A Magnificent and Great Digital Desktop Clock for all MS Windows 11, 10, ... OS!

Explorer 4 X for all Windows 11, 10, ... etc. User, Admins and Novice!

End programs via the To-Tray menu!

The alternative test page print for Windows 11, 10, ... PCs!.

DesktopSchneeFree the German Snow for Windows!

Trace Route O.K. path of your data packets over the internet the Freeware!

Auto hide and showing the Windows 11, 10, ... desktop icons with a timer!

Use mechanical emergency ejection of DVD / CD drives!

With the software you can compare all image formats!

Multi-page import in WinScan2PDF?

Copying a website address to a desktop computer?

The desktop pixel query tool for Windows 11, 10, ...!

Force Windows Time Format in the Desktop Clock!

Navigation exclusively with the arrow keys in the Quad Explorer!

Add Quad-Explorer to the Windows File Explorer folder context menu!

Show full folder path in Title Bar of Quad-Explorer for Windows!

Print the File Explorer thumbnails to see it on paper!

edge://flags Open experimental hidden functions and settings!

Desktop OK grant access to Defender Folder Protection W10!

New folder, change the default name to Windows 11,10, ...!

Restore standard libraries in Windows 11 and 10!

Start Disk Check in Windows-10/11 Explorer!

Complete check for Trojans, viruses and ransomware, how to!

Share and user names, save the network passwords on Windows 11, 10, ...!

Enable and disable drive compression on Windows 10/11!

Download NET Framework 4.8, 3.5, 2.0 for Windows 11/10!

How to disable auto tips, messages and Adds in Windows 10/11?

Automatically expand folder in Windows 10/11 tree view (open)!

Problems with Remote Desktop under MS Windows 11, 10, ...!

Place the recycle bin in the Windows 11 and 10 Start menu!

What is an in-place upgrade from Windows 10 to Win 11?

Set the standard paper feed tray on the printer!

Printer is suddenly gone under Windows 10 and 11 , why?

Chose when to Turn off the Windows 10 and 11 Display!

Windows 10 / 11 and the Media-Payer 12!

Windows 10 / 11 control system (classic panel)!

Change if the calendar is displayed in Chinese!

Save a web page as PDF in Microsoft Edge and other browsers!

Wordpad appears in the taskbar but the window is not visible!

How to run an app as a different user in MS Windows 11/10!

The improved Windows Command Prompt and Command Line!

Starting PowerShell on Windows 10 / 11 as an Administrator!

Format new SSD hard drive under Windows 10/11!

Change boot loader Windows 11, 10, ... OS !

Download MS Windows 11, 10, 8.1 DVD, ISO, USB for Free no Key?

Synchronization does not work on Windows 10 / 11, the solution!

Volume control in the notification area of ​​the taskbar activate / deactivate!

Find duplicate files with different file size or compression!

Well suited as a cheap PowerPoint pointer?

No sorting when renaming the files in File Explorer!

Windows 11 analog clock on the desktop - this is how it works!

Questions about Brightness.Manager.OK for Windows?

Who benefits most from securely deleting files and data?

How to add to Explorer context menu (Windows 7, 8.1, 10, 11)?

The DDR RAM and CPU bandwidth limitations?

Deactivate / activate the touch screen function with PowerShell!

Why does it take forever to compile in VS 2022, what can I do?

Disable / enable MS Visual Studio tabs!

ShellExecuteEx function, search in LPCITEMIDLIST!

How do I find my hardware and computer specifications?

The folder C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\ is so big, what kind of directory is that?

Regedit.exe program commands or arguments on Windows 11, 10, ...?

How can I arrange the desktop windows sensibly?

Can I run Windows x64 on an x86 or x32 computer?

How can I start the cmd.exe (run, open, find)?

What is Unicode / I need that?

Reset the power plan via command prompt?

Adjust the password expiry date via the command prompt!

Reset local group policies under Windows 11, 10, ... via cms.exe!

Activate and deactivate Remote Desktop via command line!

Start two or more programs at the same time from the command prompt!

Edit Autostart folder via the Windows command prompt (11,10,8.1, 7)!

Viewing shares, sessions and open files, cmd example?

Driver query from the command prompt in Windows (10, 8.1, 7)!

What are CAPTCHA systems?

Does Microsoft Outlook support the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)?

Adjust cell spacing in Microsoft Word table?

Does MS Office 2000 / XP work on MS Windows 11, 10, ...?

Block emails from specific senders in Microsoft Outlook!

How can I print everything on one page in Excel?

How long does it take to install Microsoft Office 365!

Can I use and share this 3D desktop CLOCK commercially?

Is the desktop clock suitable for Windows 7 and Windows 8 or 10?

Reinstall Windows XP and format hard drive, how to?

The Sound Mixer options under Windows?

What is the driving force behind the development of Windows 12, 11, etc.?

What should I consider for users on MS Windows 11, 10 and Server?

When did Windows 11 come out?

Query and change TLS client protocol on Windows desktop?

How do I remove icons from the Windows desktop?

Show the calendar in MS Windows operating systems?

Why use tools to unlock and delete files and directories?

Can I also print out lists on a network, e.g. Synology NAS?

Who should definitely use the efficient image comparison app?

Click on identical photos to delete them, I will not be able to finish my work!

How to remove the annoying vermin from my Windows desktop?

Questions and answers about the energy efficiency APP for Windows!

Desktop programs cannot be started on Windows 10 and 11, why?

Prevent Windows 10/11 programs from automatically starting?

Is it possible to activate Windows 10 by phone?

All network adapters under Windows 10 / 11 (see, deactivate, activate)?

How to see all shared folders on Windows-10/11 Home and Pro?

Disable auto sleep mode on Windows 10 / 11 tablet PC, how to?

Customize Recycle Bin in Windows 10/11, how to?

Can I change my Windows-10 homegroup password?

How to create a system image on Windows 10 / 11 (backup and restore)?

Where are the Auto Update settings in Windows 10 (enable / disable)?

Disable Password in Windows 10 / 11 (hibernation, energy saving), but how to?

Show the full path in the explorer title bar on Windows 10/11!

Auto login in Windows 10 without password?

How to install Windows-10 without Microsoft Live Account?

How can I fix printing problems with images?

Set countdown to shutdown the PC at the specified time!

Disable Please Sleep in Don't Sleep on Windows 11, 10, ... OS?

Hide cursor after Windows 11/10 update is gone, what did I do wrong?

I want to digitize my Vinyl records?

Autodesk and AutoCad what kind of programs are they?

Microsoft's solutions for MAC!

Fix the Freeze on the Nintendo Wii U, but how (hang up)?

Sound card defective on the PC, laptop, no sound (Mac, Chrome, Note Book)!

LED TV / TV, LCD TV, or Plasma?

Can't every program take up the entire RAM space?

Should I use WIA, or TWAIN scanner interface?

Scan multiple pages and create (save) as a single PDF file?

Who should definitely use the quick Office image extraction?

How does resurrecting, repair, fix pixels work with Is-My-LCD-OK?

Force update at local group policy changes in Windows 8.1, 10, 11 ...!

Enable or disable the mouse pointer shadow in Windows 8.1/10!

Customize the Windows 8.1 / 10 desktop!

Computer Management in Windows 8.1 and 10 (Find, Open and Run)?

Change settings in Win 8.1/8 when to be notified about changes on your computer!

Auto Shutdown the Windows 8.1 and 10 ergo Turn-off the PC!

Disable Windows 8.1 or 10 key click sound in virtual osk keyboard, IE 10 11, MS-Explorer?

How can I change the administrator,  Windows 8.1 / 10 (user account)?

How to start Windows 8.1 / 10 in Safe Mode (Diagnostic-, Selective-, Normal- Startup)?

Activate Windows 8 / 10 and 8.1 screen saver via screensaver settings!

Can i manually create in Windows 10 and 8.1 a restore point?

Open the Disk-Management in Windows 10 or 8.1?

What is the maximum size of my YouTube video (file, length)?

You courient security settings not allow you to download files from this location!

How can i change the Contact Info on FaceBook.com?

View and use the fonts without installing the windows font file?

On Android Phone adjust mouse and touch speed ie Samsung Galaxy?

CPU frequency in Windows 10 and 11 does not fluctuate, why?

Are there any limitations for the file size of not compressible file?

Can I query the color values ​​in my MS Office with this?

Own pictures for the extended Windows mouse pointer?

The watermark on the photo is difficult to see?

The sound mixer on Windows Server all versions?

Are Windows Server faster and more stable than the Windows Desktop OS?

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 / 2017 Professional Trial, 30 to 90 days!

Why do the heart flakes rotate on the Windows Desktop OS?

Portable rules from 2018, Windows 10, 8.1, 7!

Decorate your own pictures with this software with the help of imagination!

Alternatives to exFAT and NTFS for storing large files?

Delete system data on Windows 11, 10, 8.1, ...!

What is exFAT formatting in Windows 10 (8.1 / 7)?

Remove an email account from Windows Mail?

Where can I see the version of the driver on all MS Windows OS?

Enable background color for the digital desktop clock on Windows?

Multiple themed slots to save your desktop clock settings!

What if I don't like Windows 12 / 11, not work, etc., do I have options?

Why do I need so many GB for Windows 12, on the SSD?

Questions and answers about Explorer, pictures, posters, prints and more!

The folder size settings are grayed out what am I doing wrong?

Can not drag In Explorer View at Windows Administrator Mode!

Being able to disable auto-arrange within folders?

Start Q-Dir with *.QDR settings from the Task-Bar in Windows (11,10,8.1,7)?

Quad-Explore Q-Dir and Windows x64. How does it work?

Can I displays the folder size in Explorer-Views, file extension?

Transfer, Reset the Explorer View settings of columns in Q-Dir, how to?

Difference Individual photos and images from folders?

Differences between Wi-Fi7 and Wi-Fi6?

Can I also use dot matrix printers under the new MS Windows?

What is Windows Hello?

What is the difference between a laptop, PC, Computer and notebook?

Difference between picture and photo (photo)?

How do I change the size of my Windows mouse pointer?

What is the difference $ / GB: between CD, DVD, BluRay and USB!

HDD or SSD read out data from a 64-bit computer with 32-bit XP / 10?

Hard disk does not start, clicks are heard?

Problems with Windows 7 Starter download!

Who benefits from the alternative command prompt in Windows?

Who should not use the file time change application below?

Bug with time zones / summer file time, timestamp?

Do I have to insure this analog watch or is it possible without insurance?

When will Notepad get more functions under Windows 11?

Show file extensions in Explorer in Windows 11?

Best Ways to Customize Windows 11 Desktop?

Where is voice control on windows 11?

How to hide cursor while typing in windows 11 or 10?

Should I use the official Windows 11 download?

Can I run Windows XP programs under Windows 11!

A new and clean installation of Windows 11!

With Windows 11, potentially unwanted apps are blocked!

Cumulative Update for Windows 11 or 10, what is it?

Deactivate the Windows 11 grouping in the file explorer!

Will my FireFox also work on Windows 11?

Can I use the old Windows Calculator on Windows 11?

Use the old file explorer in Windows 11?

What are the system requirements for Windows 11?

Difference between Agile and Waterfall?

Difference between HTTP and WebSocket?

Difference between Kubernetes and OpenShift?

Difference between IoT and IIoT?

Difference between WiFi and Ethernet?

How to add windows programs to Favorites K.O. for a fast Task Kill?

Why the IsMyHdOK , there are similar programs!

Camera Noise in Screenshot Feature for Windows in Desktop-OK?

New save options for custom text (wildcards), how to?

Can I send emails using keyboard shortcuts?

Problem with path to your own ini file with quotes in QTP!

How do I insert a tab into text like usernameTABpassword?

Why is the nice 3D game running a bit slow on my Intel HD?

 Can i uninstall Short Note from Windows 11, 10, ...?

Why should I print a test page with this tool?

Uninstall Desktop Calendar from the Windows Desktop!

Eject the CD or DVD Drive via the Desktop Context Menu or Keyboard Shortcut, how to?

Where is the fonts folder in Windows-7 (find and open)?

How to see my Computer and Network on Windows 7 desktop?

I´m missing the invert selection function in windows 7 explorer  ?

How to open User Account Control Settings in Windows 7?

I have problems with Aero in Windows 7, how to fix and activate it?

What is the difference between power off/on and restart of the mobile smart phone?

What is character encoding?

What are JAR files?

What are tablet buttons?

What is a popup menu?

What are DPI?

What is word?

What are access rights?

What is a CPM model?

What is a network administrator?

What are print jobs?

What is FTPS, SFTP, FTP?

What are favorites?

What are Unicode fonts?

What are Powershell special characters (control characters)?

What is compiling (compiler)?

What is tracert.exe?

What is a boot disk?

What are the main differences between BIN and ISO images?












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